

New Delhi

Geomembrane Installation Guide

Geomembrane Installation Guide 1. Pre-welding sequence 1. Proper set up and preparation of equipment. 2. Run test seam sample successfully. 3. Cut coupon and sample preparation. 4. Test coupon with field tensiometer.              Knowledge of the pass/fail criteria for test welds              Initial set up             Specimen placement             Testing             Documentation 2. Trial welds 1. Make weld – extr
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Olympic Geomembrane Installation with Simon Machinery (China) Co., Ltd.

Olympic Geomembrane Installation with Simon Machinery (China) Co., Ltd. Olympic Games with Simon Machinery (China) Co., Ltd. SMC-900 Geomembrane Hot Wedge Welding Machine SMC-18A Plastic Hand Extruder Working around the clock On the 13 th. of July 2001, Peijing was selected by the IOC to host the Olympic Games 2008. Thereby Peking prevailed against the contenders Paris, Toronto, Osaka and Istanbul. Within less than a
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